
As the global cost of living and climate crises continue to exacerbate inequalities, Adele Walton argues that the hierarchical labels like 'first' and 'third' world fail to account for the exploitative nature of racial capitalism.
Emad Moussa recounts the tragic legacy set in motion by Arthur Balfour’s declaration, which was made up of only sixty-seven words and granted the Zionist movement a ‘homeland’ in Palestine, paving the way for ethnic cleansing and displacement.
Over 1,500 people in Pakistan and other countries have already paid the price for a worsening climate crisis, but these disasters will continue to grow explains Jessica Adams, if governments don't urgently take action at the upcoming Cop27.
With half of Jordanians looking to leave, a closer look at the seemingly stable kingdom reveals compounding political, social and economic issues under the surface that have made it difficult for many to imagine a future, writes Tareq Alnaimat.
In the last decade there has been a shocking decline in Syrian students, and for those still in school the rising cost of learning is unsustainable, yet the regime’s response is further divestment and poorer quality of teaching, writes Joseph Daher.
Palestine Police
Ibrahim Abul-Essad argues that the police brutality and repression meted out against Palestine activists from the UK to the US following attacks on Gaza, reflects the interests of both countries in maintaining support for Israel’s colonial project.
Following the murders of four men in Albuquerque, New Mexico, sectarianism and anti-Shia hatred were rightly denounced everywhere, however similar uproar was missing when it came to the deep-rooted misogyny of the attacker, writes Alia Waheed.
The Met police has been asked to investigate Britons joining the Israeli army and potentially committing war crimes, but Richard Sudan explains that we shouldn't hold our breath given the UK’s history of double standards when it comes to Israel.
Amid extreme temperatures across the globe, Shabana Mir offers her insights and advice on how to cope with rising temperatures, and how to dismantle the system that created a climate catastrophe.
Turkey LGBT
Yasemin Smallens notes that the repression of LGBT people and solidarity by the Turkish state fits into a wider crackdown on all dissent and freedom of speech as the government attempts to distract from its numerous political issues.